Ones to the Trillions…or Trillionths
Place values depend on which side of the decimal you are working. Of course, place value doesn’t stop at the trillions, but that is way more than enough to know for testing. For learning purposes, we will stop at the ten millions for digits to the left side of the decimal place. For digits on the right side of the decimal, we will go to the ten thousandths.
When determining the place value of a digit, first determine what side of the decimal it is on. If it is to the right, then your place value will end in ths. If the digit is to the left of the decimal or there is no decimal place, then it does not. Also, note that place value to the right of the decimals begins in the tenths. There isn’t a oneths place because 1/1 is 1.

Ready for a Place Values Quiz?
What is the place value of the digit 2 in the number 0.12?
What is the place value of the digit 1 in the number 1,246?