
Data Sets à la Mode

Math might not be as popular as a dessert topped with ice cream, but it is undeniably more valuable. Knowledge really is power and you are leveling-up by taking and passing your high school equivalency exam.

The mode is the final lesson of statistics. To find the mode, you look for the number that appears the most in a data set. If you have more than a few numbers, it is good practice to rearrange the numbers from least to greatest first so that you can out repeating numbers together. If you just try to pick out repeating numbers from an un-ordered set, you are more likely to miss a repeating number.

Unordered: 2, 17, 5, 9, 18, 5, 30

Ordered: 2, 5, 5, 9, 17, 18, 30

It is not unusual for a data-set to have more than one number that appears the most so if you have more than one number that appears the same amount of times, they are both considered the mode.